MEC is committed to environmental justice through...
Redressing the inequities brought about through undemocratic, racist policies, laws, and actions that have denied resources and imposed damaging urban projects fragmenting the community, its institutions and culture.
Restoring the community through lifting up the voices of its residents, seeking allocation of resources, and addressing the structural barriers to achieving our residents' aspirations.
Renewing the community's healthy, interconnected, sustainable economic, cultural, and spiritual environment.
To dismantle the systems of oppression that have impacted the environmental movement, we partnered with Mandi McAlister of Hummingbird. The following organizations are working together to build a multicultural environmental community and movement centered around environmental justice.
As Committed Partners, we commit to working together to advocate for environmental justice, fight racism, decenter whiteness, and dismantle white supremacy so all people and the planet can thrive.
To learn more and get involved in dismantling systems of oppression and racism that exist on the personal, organizational, and systemic level of the environmental movement, please visit the Building a Multicultural Environmental Community project page here. By challenging and changing systems and structures, we can transform the environmental movement.
Special Acknowledgements
This program was inspired by the following anti-racism educators and activists: August Ball, Ibram X. Kendi, Layla F. Saad, and Leah Thomas. We encourage you to get to know them and support their work.
Thank you to Sandra Jones for her guidance throughout this project. Thank you to David Thomas of Nearby Nature for his assistance in launching this project.