Beach Adopters Needed to Aid West Michigan Trash Cleanup
For the second time in two years, the Alliance is calling on its beach adopters and any other volunteers to clear debris and collect information that could help pinpoint the source of a major trash washup on west Michigan shores.
Food wrappers, cigar tips, tampons, syringes and woody debris have been found on beaches in a déjà vu from June 2008, when tons of “mystery trash” washed up along the the west Michigan coastline.
As in 2008, Alliance Adopt-a-Beach™ volunteers and shoreline property owners have been among the first responders – clearing beaches and reporting their findings to the U.S. Coast Guard in an attempt to shed light on the source.
"I was out walking the beach and came across an endless amount of garbage," said volunteer Kirk Stenbeck of a recent visit to Sleeping Bear Dunes. "My friend and I picked up as much as we could, but there was so much we left behind."
Jamie Cross, Alliance acting Adopt-a-Beach™ manager, is calling for “all hands on deck to help with this massive effort.”
“Our volunteers and others who live and visit the shoreline can play a key role in helping the Coast Guard identify the source of this debris by finding and photographing items with mailing labels or other identifiable information,” she said.
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