All the the latest news from the Milwaukee Environmental Consortium member organizations as well as any other important environmental news stories from the Milwaukee area.
Share & Be Aware is the Bike Fed's campaign to educate bicyclists and motorists about their responsibilities for ensuring each others' safety on the road.
Did you know that Wisconsin law recognizes bicycles as vehicles? That means that motorists and bicyclists share the same rights and responsibilities on the road.
Milwaukee Riverkeeper's Executive Director Karen Schapiro was recently published in an Op-Ed in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel regarding MMSD's most recent combined storm water and wastewater overflows into Lake Michigan.
The Alliance is launching a first-of-its-kind Great Lakes Action Center, a tool for you to voice your opinions and engage your friends on Great Lakes issues with just a few keystrokes.
The RiversReport highlights projects, events, and programs advancing water quality and water resource protection taking place throughout the Greater Milwaukee Watersheds.